Monday, October 01, 2007

I've come a long way....

I wonder how times were when I didn't put a thought across my mind.. I wonder how survived being so thoughtless of what I did, I was doing.. How was that immaturity all over me.

Expectations.. higher they are.. the lower you feel.
People.. the stranger you are... the happier you would be. There is a pool of people that surrounds you..each one of them cunning in their won way. I miss my best friends.. I miss them because I have not had a 'real' talk in months now.I miss some other people too, in fact I don't... really because they are a part of me.

The world is for people who are sensible enough to make judgments of their own. Not following the crowd is one.. being in the crowd is another and I think being in the first one is better. Laziness kills.. but I am lazy.. not that I want to be....
I am writing this at 7 am.. have been up since 4 am.. I don't complain.. I don't crib.. I've stopped doing that.. I don't see a point doing that..its a waste of time.. I am learning to deal with situations in my own sweet way.I have stopped seeking help. The zeal in making me go around.. I have learnt to say 'no'.. no to whatever I don't like. I have discovered this 'me' in myself. I have realized that its my happiness that matters to me the most. I am not selfish, just that I know, the rest of the things will fall into place automatically.

My loved ones have become dearer to me, not because I talk to them everyday, but because I see myself more connected to them, by ways of thoughts and actions.