Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A twenty something crisis...

Yes I am twenty something..and so are some million of people around this globe...Aren't we all wrestling with a sense that we haven’t done enough? Or done it all and don’t know what’s next?

Have you ever wondered why you aren’t enjoying "the best years of your life," and why you’re still mired in confusion about the choices you’ve made or need to make...

I call it a kaleidoscope of broken pieces of colored glass each of it shining gloriously....laughing at us..and at our 'quarter life crisis'.

Don't know if our age bracket belongs to Gen-X or E. We may have been old enough to have watched the DotCom Boom, but we were young to really get a piece of it , graduated college and entered the work force as the DotCom Boom had turned to a bust...

Grown up watching MTv and channel V.. Confused about smallest decisions of life.. Criticizing the selection processes be it CAT or Engineering.. Bothered about reservations..Anger has become the middle name. Frustration has become the new epidemic.

Hopeless and helpless..we look for avenues,newer the better..but get exasperated again,frustrated with monotony soon.. Job kills, and manager sucks.. Change is what we want..and reluctant to change we are.. irony it is.. but a better truth.

A 'quarter' of life we've seen.. and another two awaits..All we wish for is a stable life..and do zilch for making it one.. Higher perks, steeper rise is what we dream of, but patience is what we lack..
Where are we heading to a dungeon of self pride? Or a horizon of our own ego..?

Hope that this phase too shall pass... Amen!!