Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A twenty something crisis...

Yes I am twenty something..and so are some million of people around this globe...Aren't we all wrestling with a sense that we haven’t done enough? Or done it all and don’t know what’s next?

Have you ever wondered why you aren’t enjoying "the best years of your life," and why you’re still mired in confusion about the choices you’ve made or need to make...

I call it a kaleidoscope of broken pieces of colored glass each of it shining gloriously....laughing at us..and at our 'quarter life crisis'.

Don't know if our age bracket belongs to Gen-X or E. We may have been old enough to have watched the DotCom Boom, but we were young to really get a piece of it , graduated college and entered the work force as the DotCom Boom had turned to a bust...

Grown up watching MTv and channel V.. Confused about smallest decisions of life.. Criticizing the selection processes be it CAT or Engineering.. Bothered about reservations..Anger has become the middle name. Frustration has become the new epidemic.

Hopeless and helpless..we look for avenues,newer the better..but get exasperated again,frustrated with monotony soon.. Job kills, and manager sucks.. Change is what we want..and reluctant to change we are.. irony it is.. but a better truth.

A 'quarter' of life we've seen.. and another two awaits..All we wish for is a stable life..and do zilch for making it one.. Higher perks, steeper rise is what we dream of, but patience is what we lack..
Where are we heading to a dungeon of self pride? Or a horizon of our own ego..?

Hope that this phase too shall pass... Amen!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Where are we heading to a dungeon of self pride? Or a horizon of our own ego..?
are we= Am I ; our = my

Good to know tat you are moving in the right direction, though it tuk a quarter of ur life to realise it....

In future, hoping to see some positive vibes from you ! Here the page is dark n thoughts even more dark !

God Bless !

Take ur "strong" decisions n move on !

5:43 AM  
Blogger mandeepsg said...

Well said.....but confusion is required to clear our minds for future....

9:12 PM  
Blogger . said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apart from all ur X smthing crises,

Congrats on your scmhrd feat,little gurl !

Do well n scale new heights...

~The EGO-less mortal :)

1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing can bring more humility in a person than failures....

Nothing can wash away more sins than going through the pain caused by them....

~u r so beautiful deep inside..just tat u r searching for happiness/success in the periphery...let that futile search reach its well deserved end :)....you will get answers for all ur questions....

~:)..need "reasons" ?? he he....

12:24 AM  
Blogger Damanpreet singh said...

Ah so true!!!

Beautifully writen!!

loved this post

9:55 PM  
Blogger camouflaged9 said...

@ Daman


10:01 PM  
Blogger BailMe said...

Difficult phase going ... so when will it pass... but just waiting for it to pass on doesn't resolve anything ... its the life.... enjoy it love it ... the time flies won't return ...

There was a time you hated school... then college.... but now you want it back ... you want to re live those time... you want those happy days....

So best is to enjoy what you have present... the time won't return ...

Life is full of hurdles... better to stand as they come and go ...

and enjoy .. . :)

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might not get wht you want, but you will certainly get wht you deserve... and wht you deserve is always better than wht you want..

makes sense my dear? :)...

9:35 AM  
Blogger ankurindia said...

well its life and not everyone can enjoy .. lot of things matter like financial conditions of family ... family bondage etc etc

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chk my orkut video..skydive !

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Your life is not a coincidence. It’s a reflection of you!”

so deep n subtle meaning it has got....you wont get it now...:)...

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sure one day i would b matured enough to forgive u......eventhough at this moment it seems to be a near impossible task ! how can so much hatred be washed away in a lifetime...i always wonder....

12:12 AM  
Blogger nishant said...

STABILITY ain th word that a young soul is ever advised to look for..

a young soul is dynamic..malleable..n evolving !!

everyth that evolves..goes thru a share of tumbles n falls..uncertainties..[ mutations* ]...

but then..a mind that thinks is th mind that grows..
n a heart that has WantS..is th heart that dreams..
n rages..n burns !

the quest to give A PRICE TAG to our name..
is wat drives US on !

the world belongs to Us..
well at least..to some of us :)

9:04 PM  
Blogger [Amod] said...

How true it was!!You've been too harsh to put it so bluntly but nevertheless all true. Patience is what we lack. We all hold ourselves in such high esteem that whatever we achieve seems to be consolation, not the apt reward. There are certainly factors beyond our control but it would be nice to worry only for cards up in our sleeves.

Eye-opening post. :)

3:47 AM  
Blogger AJ said...

Right said..
"Change is what we want..and reluctant to change we are.. irony it is.. but a better truth." ..

Even the change that comes fades away in its proliferation and you don't even notice it. You are back again saying the same quote.

Well said :)

2:21 AM  
Blogger Zennmaster said...

er... everything has been said eloquently here. But few things first. Loved the post. Been there done that. Find out wat do you really like doing for yourself. Find out your passions. And everything else shall fall into place.

3:53 AM  

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