Sunday, July 30, 2006

Is matrimony a bliss?

Traditional Marriage is bonding between two sex(male and female) and the Modern understanding emphasizes the legitimacy of the sexual relationships. However the eternal truth that remains is the creation of affinal ties [Read in-laws].
Science of Anthropology would encourage to societies to marry far 'off' to increase the gene-pool but traditionally and culturally close enough to have in-laws one among us or better stated as one of 'our kinds'.
The prennial problem here is: What is the right age to get married? Or is matrimony tie 'the' necessary thing to survive[ read as female survival]??
Is it a moral reposibility of every female to get married? Will she be cursed the rest of her life for not doing so? Should the feeling of matrimony bliss be inherent in every girl? Or we just the agents to reproduce and carry the generation forward?
Gone are those days, when females were dependant on there male counterparts for smallest of the gestures. Monetary and otherwise. Then why marry?
Emotional security? What is that? I dont even understand what it means. There are ways to overcome insecurites. Friends and loved ones can be engaged to into communication to talk our feeling out, would it then require a real husband in flesh and bones to secure us?
Can't we lead a normal life with no overheads of moral and social responsibilties? With no restrictions? And nobody to decide the age we get married at? With the independence to choose the 'one' only when we want to?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Understanding men...

Are men polygamous and women manogamous naturally? Is polygamy natural to mankind or is it specific to men?Do we fail to understand them when required? Would you want them to be possesive? What is limit of friendship? Is dating ,when somebody's in a relationship allowed ? How do we measure the space when they say they need it? Is it bad to doubt their commitment? Or are they really commited ?

Monogamy as defined by The Concise Oxford Dictionary is "the practice or state of being married to one person at a time or the habit of having only one mate at a time". What is the new meaning of manogamy in the e-World ? Has it become overrated ?Women are happy when they are in Love, happier when they are restricted to a single man, Does it holds true for men also?

'Detachment' is the keyword for attachment, becoming insensitve helps sometimes. Why is that when men in relationship catch with friends[read girls], its just plain friendship. And when the same happens otherwise the 'label' is flirts.When speaking with other women, why do men conceal the fact that they have girlfriend, even lie about her existence when asked?

What is the limit of freedom? Are women Masters of intuition and emotional manipulation or is it otherwise? Or do just we end up being emotional fools?

Legend has it that men make the first move. The truth is that women have always made first move and orchestrated the pace, flow and direction of romantic relationships, would it mean they are over-sensitive or are they simply BOLD?

Is his unconscious detachment from his friends by standing slightly apart, hoping to be seen as an individual to much too ask?

Should men in relationship wear labels 'I am not single' ? Can signals that are more subtle, secretive and downright loony indicate that you are interested? What fumes men when asked with whom they were?

When it comes to cheating, men are king. Reasons are myriad, But when it comes to relationship ,togetherness doesnt prove the 'love' thing. The eternal space which without reinforcing each day is what makes relationship work. Women can relax the moral code, but Let's face it: If he's a living and breathing, red-meat-eating, football-watching man, he's bound to entertain thoughts of having 'fun' with other women. If he didn't, no porn company in the world could ever operate in the black.

Just one thing :Proceed cautiously in these delicate affairs of the heart.